1. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before? ... So many! I went on TV, I went down to London on my own... went away with friends on my own... had my first hangover! What a year!
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? .... Last years resolution was mainly to make my donor and my donor family proud... I hope I have achieved this and continue achieve this every single year! Next year... I want to get fit, go to the gym lots more and lose weight! My Mum and Grans resolution for me would be to find myself a fella... will see about that one!
3. How will you be spending New Year's Eve? ... I will be spending the evening with friends... for the first time ever! I always spend new years with my parents, this will be the first year I will be well enough to spend it away from home! It will be a house party and then going back to my best friends new house and staying there the night!
4. Did anyone close to you die? ... A good friend I got to know through transplant community died this year, she was so young and died so needlessly all because a transplant didn't come in time!
5. What countries did you visit? ... Ireland :)
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? ... I can't actually think of anything for this one... ? 2009 has been one of the best years ever...2010 has got a lot to live up to! I think my Mother would answer that I need a man on this one.... not to sure myself haha!
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? ... 7th April... Donor Day! What a fantastic day! Will certainly remember that day till I die... met some great people, appeared on GMTV, Radio, In newspapers... and most of all got thousands of people to sign the Organ Donor Regsiter on this day!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? ... Graduating would be number one... the National Award for volunteering would be number 2!
9. What was your biggest failure? ... Hmmm this is a toughy... is it big headed if I can't think of anything? I'll come back to it if I do...
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? ... After a night out I often wake up with random bruises, I don't know where they come from! I seem to fall over a lot... my friends will vouch for this... I am sure my mother would also tell you the story of me being injured by an automatic door on Christmas day this year... Also still having regular check ups at the hospital but that is to be expected!
11. What was the best thing you bought? ... Blackberry!!! So useful... text, phone, email, facebook and twitter all the move... perfect!
12. Where did most of your money go? ... I haven't been that extravagant this year... probably clothes...
13. What song will always remind you of 2009? ... I have no idea... there are sooo many! I have spent a lot of time going out with my friends clubbing this year so so many memories attached to songs! The prodigy - Omen for halloween... Black Eyed Peas - I've got a feeling!
14. What do you wish you'd done more of? ... Seen more of my friends in London... this year I will come and stay with you Emily!
15. What do you wish you'd done less of? .... Hmmm shopping? Would have saved me money! Partying = less hangovers! I don't have any regrets though so nothing really!
16. What was your favourite TV program? ... Sucker for reality TV, so Big Bro and X factor! Loved the Royle Family on Christmas day, I was crying with laughter.
17. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? ... Nope
18. What was the best book you read? ... I'm in the middle of Twilight at the minute.... last book I completed was My Sisters Keeper I think.
19. What was your greatest musical discovery? ... The Courteeners - went to a gig of theirs in November... So good live!
20. What was your favourite film of this year? ... The Time Travellers Wife - had me in tears... Loved New Moon too
21. What did you do on your birthday? ... Takeaway and drinks at my house with friends and then off into town for cocktails and dancing... perfect!
22. What kept you sane? ... Friends and Family :) Thank you!
23. Who did you miss? ... I miss the people that don't live near me... mainly people from Live Life Then Give Life.
24. Who was the best new person you met? ... I met so many great and inspirational people this year, they will be friends forever! Oli Barrett and Amy Maclaren my Battlefront Mentors, fab people at the Donor Family Network... People from Live Life Then Give Life... specifically Pops as we have the same sense of humour, chat every day and get on like a house on fire!
25. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009: ... Oooo theres got to be two... Its not what you know, its who you know... NETWORKING (thanks Oli B)!
Don't take things for granted, live life to the full, I certainly have!
Next blog will be in the new year! I will look back more on 2009 and let you know what I plan to do in 2010! Until then heres to a happy and healthy new year! x